Candela GentleLASE

Candela GentleLASE is a precise, high-energy laser that treats a variety of conditions, including hair removal, freckles, wrinkles, facial blue veins, uneven pigmentation, age spots, rosacea, vascular lesions, and pigmented lesions. The high-quality laser works by emitting a beam of light that penetrates deep into the targeted area of skin tissue and emits a controlled amount of therapeutic heat.

What can I expect during the appointment?

The treatment will last between a few minutes and an hour, depending on the area and type of condition being treated. The laser first emits a pulse of cooling spray to protect the skin, followed by a pulse of laser light. A cooling spray greatly reduces discomfort from the laser pulse, but patients may request a local anesthetic 30 minutes prior to treatment.

Are there side effects?

Side effects of the Candela GentleLASE treatment are minimal thanks to the laser’s patented Dynamic Cooling Device (DCD) technology, which not only protects the outer layers of your skin with a cooling blast of cryogen, but also leads to increased patient comfort throughout the procedure. Candela GentleLASE also has a larger spot size, longer wavelength and higher energy consumption than other lasers, ensuring faster treatment and less damage to the epidermis. Patients may still experience redness and swelling, but this will subside within a few days. To minimize these or other minor side effects that may occur immediately after treatment, patients should avoid sun exposure or the use of abrasive cleansers.

What are the long-term results?

The results of Candela GentleLASE treatments are permanent, although some procedures, such as laser hair removal, require four to ten sessions to achieve these long-term results. Immediately after a hair removal session, patients may notice hair growth in the treated area as the hair grows and falls, but this should stop within two to three weeks.

Laser treatments successfully treat and act on:

  • Wrinkles and loose skin
  • Rosacea
  • Capillaries, spiders and angiomas
  • Age and sun spots
  • Melasma
  • Poikiloderma
  • Naevus flameus
  • Hemangiomas
  • Acne
  • The scars
  • Permanent hair removal
  • Psoriasis
  • Viral warts
  • Stretch marks
  • Tattoos
  • Dilated and cracked capillaries
  • Vaginal rejuvenation
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